The library offers a collection of books, magazines, electronic resources for use in preparation of assignments, projects, research, and reading. It is our desire for your visit to the library to be informative, useful, and enjoyable. Please do not hesitate to ask for assistance in person, by phone, or by e-mail. The following information is provided to assist you in accessing both the library and the information resources available through the library.
Individual students must check-in with their teacher and get permission when coming to the library regardless of the purpose of their visit and even for Chromebook breakage.
Individual students entering and exiting the library are asked to utilize the school's digital hall pass system.
*Remember, if you come to the library and fail to report to any class and get your teacher's permission first, you are cutting class, regardless of the reason for your visit. Also, when you are in the library, you must report to your next class on time as well. Checking in with your assigned teachers and receiving permission to be in the library is a student responsibility, and it applies to all students regardless of why you are in the library.
Teachers will share information about upcoming library visits with their classes ahead of time. Classes will typically meet in the classroom at the beginning of a class period and report to the library in an orderly line with their teacher 10-15 minutes into the class period. Please remember to enter and exit in a quiet and orderly manner regardless of whether you are alone or with a group of students because others are using the library too.
Please note that all ELA classes are scheduled to come to the library approximately every three weeks for a short activity with the librarian nd to check-out library books. This ensures all students have a scheduled opportunity to check-out books on a regular basis. When there is a free period on the library calendar, ELA teachers may send up to 2 students at a time to check-out library books. Students are expected to display appropriate behavior while in the library as well as coming to and from the library. Every visit should be purposeful and productive; students who come to the library to socialize and play will be sent back to class.
Students should not congregate in groups with others or distract others from their tasks. Assigned seating may be utilized in the library, and students should remain in their seats, unless they have specific permission to be up and moving about the library.
The library is a place of learning and student behavior should be reflective of this so that all library users have the ability to focus on their school work and be productive. School rules, posted library rules, and the student discipline policy apply within the library at all times. Please be considerate of others by being on task in the library and communicating in a quiet inside voice when it is necessary. Please remember that socializing in the library is counter-productive and students will be reminded to stay on task. In the event students continue to chat and be unproductive, they will be asked to switch seats or return to their classroom if their teacher is not with them.
In addition to these typical school expectations, please remember library etiquette. If you pull a book from a shelf then decide that you do not want the book, either return it exactly where it belongs or place it on the red cart at the circulation desk to be shelved by library workers. It is better to leave a book on the red cart for the library staff to shelve rather than to carelessly put a book in the wrong place, which makes it more difficult for others to locate it.
Students are expected to abide by District Two's Internet Policy while using the library computers or Chromebooks in the library. In order for a student to access the Internet at school, a "Student Acceptable Use Agreement" should be on file and signed by a parent or guardian giving permission for the student to access the Internet at school. Please note that school computers and access to the Internet are intended for educational and research purposes; such as, completing assigned reports, reading and research, and accessing the online card catalog through Destiny. Likewise, students should not be gaming or watching videos for entertainment purposes. Furthermore, any student accidentally accessing inappropriate information on any website, should immediately minimize the site and inform the library staff without calling other students' attention to to the content or website.
The library serves as the Chromebook help desk at our school. For Chromebook assistance, students are encouraged to visit the library from an activity class with the teacher's permission when necessary. Students may have time after eating lunch or even after school from 3:15-3:30 (for car riders with parent permissioon) to seek assistance for device problems. Sometimes, it may be necessary for us to keep a device for a short period of time or ship a Chromebook off-site for hardware repairs.
Hardware repairs are completed offsite by Dell so the timeframe averages about a full week for repairs. Students will be called to the library to pick up their repaired devices once we receive them and mark them returned in our asset management system.
Remember, students should treat their Chromebooks with care as they are breakable. The case should remain on the device at all times in order to protect the device. Food and beverages should not be consumed or stored in close proximity to the device. Students should refrain from picking and pulling at the keys on their Chromebooks and from intentionally pulling or removing the rubber pieces underneath a key if one becomes loose. Likewise, the cases should not be modified in any way; stickers and writing on the case or device is not allowed.
Chromebook repair deductibles/repair fees of $25 are typically charged for things like screen breakage, impact damage, multiple missing keys, or a missing key that has had the rubber component(s) underneath tampered with, and water damage. More than 2 instances of these types of accidental damages in the same school year will result in the student being billed $160 for the third instance of damage or replacement cost of the device for the fourth instance of damage.
If paying the full amount of the repair deductible/repair fee is not possible, parents should contact Mr. Henry, our assistant principal at 253-5700 in order to make payment arrangements as soon as possible after a student has turned in their device for repair. If students have not paid the repair deductible/repair fee and their parents have not made payment arrangements, then students may be unable to pick up their device when repairs are completed.
Significant damage to the Chromebook case may result in the student being charged for a replacement case as well, which is a separate $15 charge. Students should refrain from writing on, placing stickers on, or removing parts or components from any Chromebook or case. Also, if a student loses their charging cord or if their cord stops functioning, there is a $32 Dell cord replacement fee, which can be paid in the library at the time the student receives a new cord.
Lost or stolen Chromebooks should be reported to the library, even if the device was lost somewhere other than at school. Students are encouraged to back up their files to Google Drive. Sometimes when devices are damaged, it is not possible to back-up at the time they are turned if for repair. Therefore, it is important to back-up all work on a regular basis.
Finally, all Chromebooks, which are found unattendend at school and seem to be lost, should be returned to the library and plugged inside the laptop cart located in the entrance of the library that says, "Student Charging Cart." This will allow lost devices to be collected in one central area of our school where they can charge safely until being claimed by the students to whom they were issued. Any student looking for a missing Chromebook should always check the Student Charging Cart inside of the library for a missing device.
All fiction and most non-fiction books in the library may be checked out for a 2 week period and may be renewed one time, unless there is a waiting list for a particular book. Since students are able to view their own overdue library books and fines in Destiny, overdue notices will not be printed and distributed to students.
Please note that books may be reserved by teachers for projects, and these books may be temporarily restricted from check-out by students. Such books would be available for use in the library or classroom only in order to ensure many students can have access to the materials.
The following directions will enable students and parents to login to Destiny to view the list of library books that are currently checked out to students as well as any that are marked as damaged, lost, and overdue. If lost books or late/overdue books are returned in good condition, there will be no money owed. Students, who owe for any damages to library books or are unable to locate lost books or books listed under items out, will need to pay the appropriate fees listed. Please note if lost books or items out are returned in good condition, there are typically no fees charged to students.
Using a web browser, visit https://spart2.follettdestiny.com/
Click Log In
Click Log in using Destiny
Enter the student’s username (first part of the student’s school email, which typically ends with a 2 digit number)
Enter the password (the student’s lunch number)
Click Log In
Click My Info
A page will open showing you Items Out, which lists the books your child currently has checked out and needs to return in good condition.
Directly underneath Items Out, you will see Fines.
Most often the books listed in Fines are simply books that have been checked out for a while and need to be returned in good condition so that the student will not owe for the book. A small fee, typically under $4, may be charged for minor damage to a book. For more severe damage to a book such as a liquid spill on a book or a lost book that cannot be located to be returned to the school, the student will be charged the replacement cost of the book.
Please contact the school librarian if you have any questions or need any further information.